Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Quilt Show

Carla from my gym is very involved with Nelson Quilters' Guild, and they had their biennial (I think) show this weekend at Nelson Girls College. There were so many people at the show I was envious; I'm not sure a weaving show can attract that kind of crowd in Nelson.

But, boy, talk about labor-intensive work. To me, the patchwork on the front is bad enough, but the quilting in those elegant curvy lines is just mind-boggling.

They provided white gloves so we are allowed to touch them and turn them over, and were also allowed to photograph. Here is one of Carla's, and one of my favorite in the show. I had seen this before when she finished it, spread out on the gym floor, but it was so much more impressive to see this hung so I can stand back and admire it. I'm not confident the colors are true on your monitor, but the values of the pieces were carefully studied and positioned, making this an understated but stunning piece.

Well done, Carla!

(I'm having top two wisdom teeth extracted at 9AM this morning. I think I'll look like a chipmunk by about 11AM, but at least I hope to maintain some kind of symmetry.)


  1. I will never have enough time even in retirement to make such a beautiful and challenging piece! Outstanding quilt! I saw some interesting pieces in the Mid-West of the USA some years ago, I think Kiwis are right up there with the needlework women of America! Well done Carla.
    Lesley Expat Kiwi. PS Hope the wisdom teeth were not too hard to part with, even if you may look like a chipmunk for a while, better off without them.

  2. I do look like a chipmunk, Lesley, and I'm lop-sided!

  3. It is always impressive to see something like this considering it was done by hand and not a computer!

  4. What a stunning piece of artwork and craftmanship. I admire anyone who has the patience and eye to do something like this. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Yeah, Bill, exactly.

    Sue, isn't it, just? It looked good close up, but boy, when you stand back, it was amazing!


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