Thursday, October 09, 2008

"How Many More Do You Need, Meg?"

A couple of weeks ago on a sunny Friday afternoon, I took pics of my friend Kath Bee on the beach and in parks around Nelson. Kath is a children's singer-song-writer and her second CD is going to be released at the end of November.

I casually offered to take some very amateur promo shots, but as we worked I got more and more worried. I told her I needed about 200 to come up with half a dozen usable ones. She does have a professional graphic designer working on posters and such, so maybe he can do his magic, fingers crossed.

You can listen to a few songs on her Myspace, or check out her blog here or website here, or buy her music from this site.

One of my favorites...


  1. Meg, you sound like me. I always shoot by trial and error so I have to take a lot of shots to get a few I like. I like the second shot too.

  2. Faye, after about a year of DPing, I figured I get about half a dozen to a dozen good 'usable' ones out of 200 - which is great with digital because I used to take three shot of everything playing around with aperture and shutter speed in the days of film and it got to be rather expensive.

    In Kath's case, we needed some 'poster' shots, and then we needed some candid action shots, so I really wasn't sure what I was doing, except having fun.

  3. Meg, one thing that used to frustrate me was when part of what I was shooting was in the shadows, especially when it was part of the face. I started using a bigger flash outdoors for fill and was a lot more pleased with the results. I have one that goes out about 80 feel and found a fresnel lens hood that will send it even farther for larger lenses which works good for shooting animals without spooking them.

  4. Are you calling Kath an animal, Bill!!!

  5. Hahaha, Bill said I was "very presentable", so I don't think he thinks I'm an animal! ;) It's me again, Kath!

  6. I know... he's talking about improving MY photography, yeah....


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