Sunday, September 21, 2008

Dancing in the Sun

Yes, the sun has finally returned to Nelson; we've had at least some hours of sun every day this week. I'm not sure who put up these "children", but we saw them once earlier and wondered if they'd come back. Behind is the Trafalgar Centre Upgrade, which I'll post tomorrow. This is on bit of lawn seen to the left of the fountain here.


  1. The students/teachers @ Auckland Point School are responsible for these delightful little mannikins.
    When I drove past earlier in the week several even had umbrellas up - yep, t'was raining yet again!
    I also like the lambs that sometimes come out as well

  2. Lambs, too? Never see them! I wonder if I have to wait until next August...

  3. Are you sure these are not children of the Corn, or Village of the Damned?

    The lambs have obviously already gone to slaughter.

  4. Oh, such a dark outlook, Babooshka! They are... children of the daffodils. (Here, put your feet up... Have a hot cop of tea.)

  5. the flower garden is beautiful and those drawings really make me smile.

  6. It's really cute, driving past it. Though close up, some of the painted children's complexions were worrying - from pale blue to dark spots. The live children must have used any paint that was available.

  7. This seems to be a great idea, beautifully executed and beautifully illustrated with your photograph.

  8. I like them, they brighten up the place.

  9. Hi, Lachezar! Makes you appreciate spring, doesn't it?

    Kris, they sure do. Can't stop smiling with something like that in the middle of the road.

  10. What a neat picture - makes you want to dance too

  11. Oh, gone, Baruch. Dance away.

  12. thanks for all the lovely comments. My sons go to Auckland Point School and help make the dancers, sheeps and dinasaurs (2009).
    The whole idea is to give a little something back to our community. What better to give than joy and laughter!


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