Friday, September 05, 2008

Another Panorama View

This time, it's from the Matangi Awahio Walk. It is made from 5 hand-held shots I took just an hour ago.
Unfortunately, we have a heavy grey sky, today.


  1. Wow that's pretty good. Did you use the photo stitch mode on the camera?

  2. You naswered before I asked. I see so many bad needlwork jobs that seldom like panoramas. Clouds usually are the giveaway. Ecxcellent job here though, suprb panorama.

  3. Thanks, Dina,
    No, I didn't. I used the view finder and I aligned the horizon with the guide line in the finder.
    A Canon G3 has the stitching assist mode, I could use that mode but lose some more important features.

    It was stitched later in Photoshop.

    PS. This comment is reposted to correct a typo. Sorry Dina, I misspelled your name.

    Babooshika, The Photo mearge on CS3 does quite good job. Cannon usually bundle the few photo editing software include PhotoStich, I'm stop using it but it does good job in my memory. However you need quite bit of overwrap on adjacent shots.


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