Thursday, September 11, 2008

Old Charm

One reason I like going to Wellington and Auckland is that they have, in their downtown areas, beautifully restored lovely old buildings. Nelson is not devoid of them, but many are tolerated, just, with interiors converted to the generic-retail style, seldom taking advantage of the existing charm. This one, for example, I can see turned into a lovely collection of shops selling one-off (even vintage) clothes, lingerie, kitchen ware and gifts, books/CDs, shoes, embroidery/quilt materials, or hand-made toys. A girly emporium of sorts, with a florist on street level. Maybe an architect's office or a women's gym at the top. Or the entire thing turned into a boutique hotel with a boulangerie/cafe, replacing the street-level "roof" with maybe a striped awning. I particularly like the stained glass designs.

Sorry about the color; Sunny Nelson has been having uncharacteristic number of rainy and gray days, but we are now allowed sunny patches.


  1. Thanks for stopping by New Orleans Daily Photo. We are hold our breath as Hurricane Ike slides to the west.

    I think the cloudy days are actually an advantage. You don't get so many dark shadows. This is a great preservation you have found.

  2. Yeah, I do think it's a charmer. Thanks!

    And I agree - on some rainy days, the colors are more saturated, and I like that.


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