Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Trip to the Library

I love the idea of libraries but seldom visit ours, because I am a slow reader and can never finish the books in the allotted three weeks, not to mention I can never come out of that place with just one book.

Then I have periods when I keep going back to ransack their tiny books-on-tapes section; these I can handle. Thus I read "Anne of Green Gables", and Dr Phil's Ultimate Weight Solution.

Othello is Bill's only major play I haven't read or seen. And I've heard so much reference to the film The Lord of the Flies, so I'll find out what all the fuss is about, albeit kinda late...

I did get one real book, though; I heard a podcast of a writers' discussion on errant fathers yesterday and Neil Cross was among them. (I don't have a phone line in my studio, but I get tired of regular radio at times, so I tried the National Radio podcast for the first time. Seriously bad sound quality, because I need to have the volume quite high when I'm banging and clanking on the loom, but I enjoyed the content.)

I wish they had more American books and more by newer authors, but I guess their selection reflects their clientèle; there's a lot of English women-authored fluff. Still, I haven't listened to everything they've got so I won't complain just yet.


  1. Good for you. Books on tapes is a great idea and helpful while doing other things. Perhaps there are more current authors that can be ordered or borrowed on line.
    Anne of Green Gables is one of my all time favorite book series.
    Happy "reading".

  2. Yeah, Sue. Better than listening to radio I'm not enjoying. Though sometimes when I'm weaving, listening to the same CD, or even the same song, over and over the whole day produces great rhythm which helps the work, too. It drives Ben nuts, especially in Oct/Nov/Dec when I play the same Christmas cd all day every day.


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