Monday, May 19, 2008

Operational Area

Large locked gate into the Airport field. "A trespassers are liable to removal and prosecution".


  1. Interesting gate for the airport! I thought it was a farm gate! Nice and rural looking!

  2. Interesting gate - i love the sky in this photo too :-)

  3. did you see the sign that says 'pedestrians must give way to landing and taking off aircraft'??

  4. I find this photo to be particularly appealing! Thought I'd spend a bit of time tonight visiting some blogger friends. I miss blogging, and I plan to return eventually. 'Til then come visit me via email now and then! (My address is on my profile). Kate

  5. So much for airport security... Nice though! Beautiful skies, gate and feeling of spaciousness... Cheers!

  6. This is exactly like a farm gate.

    Yes I did, dws-11. Though, I did not take a photo of that sign this time.

    Thanks for visit, Kate. Do announcement when you back on portal. Keep in touch.

    and thanks all for visiting and kind comment.


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