Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Charity Bins

This is the easiest way to give something to charity in New Zealand. We used to have these bins by different organizations all around town, mostly in parking lots of large supermarkets. Sometime around 10 years ago kids started fire in a couple of them, and more than a few bins were removed.

One year, early on Christmas Eve, our friend Charlie deposited quite a lot of bags of not-so-used clothes, and her wedding ring slipped off her hand. She would have been hysterical, dancing and shouting in front of the bin, but a kind, not-so-young man apparently crawled into the quite-full bin, handed every bag one by one to Charlie waiting outside, found the ring, and then put everything back in carefully, and left.

Oh, the kindness of strangers.


  1. Wow, that's quite a story and sometimes we may be entertaining angels unaware...not a stranger.

  2. Oh, I love your outlook in life, Sue. What a thought!!!

  3. That's a really good story!
    I liked these bins since my day 1 in NZ, and I really hate trowing clothes in the rubbish.


  4. Ditto. Nice to be able to dispose of some of the cloth my mother gives me, too. Usually she has great taste, but sometimes I wonder what made her make certain purchases, I swear.


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