Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Avoid the Heat!

This is a great idea to avoid the very hot seat.


  1. Great idea for the heat. Don't have to worry about that here now in the north. Though some it might be nice to cover up the snowmachine so it doesn't get too covered with snow!!

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  2. A first for me. I have never seen such a thing. Logically it makes a lot of since ... Also, humorous that my first thought was that this is the wrong season to worry about a hot seat. Then of course I remembered that I am browsing in the Southern Hemisphere.

  3. Never thought of that before but it certainly makes sense. The hot seat would make for difficult riding.

  4. Not sure if that does much good, but I suppose it doesn't hurt either. Must really love their bike.

    The Goddess In You
    Norwich Daily Photo
    Your Love Coach

  5. One keeps forgetting that as we endure a cold winter over here in Poland...you guys down under are feeling the heat!!! You can guess which I'd prefer!!! Hee hee!!

  6. I can not remember the make, but this particuler one is very good looking one. It's good protection from sun and others.


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