Thursday, August 31, 2006


Sunset on Wednesday


  1. Beautiful sunset Meg. It looks alot like the desert here in Arizona. Love all of your photos. Have a great day.

  2. I can see the big red evil eye...;-) great shot, brilliant red

  3. How beautiful! You're lucky to live where you have such picturesque skies.

  4. Photomad, when I lived in Tucson way back, my parents took me all over to see the sunset - back then I didn't understand what exactly I was supposed to be looking at so I oooohed and aaaaahed just please them. I did enjoy the dips in the road when it rained, though.
    Lisi, I wonder, if I pay attention on some stormy day, maybe I'll REALLY get the eye??!!
    Marie, yes, lots of things around here are picturesque, and thanks to DP, we're seeing them in a new light, as it were.

  5. Very nice picture! Well achieved!

  6. Matthieu, Cristina, hi.
    Edulabbe, thank you, also, for the pointers to information on Rari woven dolls; I just get my friend who understands Spanish to have a go. Cristina???

    Has anyone noticed that the work verifications are getting longer? I keep getting rejected from my own blogs!

  7. Wow! This transports you into another world; beautiful.

  8. Neo, speaking of another world, what the heck does 'being slapped by Miss Kitty' mean?

  9. This turned to be a very rich colour image.
    It is amazing that no correction to the image has been made and just straight from memory card (well after resizing).
    Well done Meg!

  10. this sunset is achingly beautiful. well done!

  11. John, thanks for visiting NDP.

    Phlegmfatale, don't ache, dear; it's just my tiny new camera.


    Meg! Did you realize that your Mordor sunset got picked for the best of daily photo? Coolness!


  13. Yeah, but that was nature's doing, not mine...


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