Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Theme Day: Fountains

This is actuality fount an, currently no water is out from his mouth.  It is also the base of street lamp as a centre piece of Trafalgar SQ.  (See here.)
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


  1. This is a memorial fountain?

  2. Impressive a sight.

    Please have a good new month.

    daily athens

  3. It's lovely. But now I'm curious as to who John Symons is.

  4. I love the lion and love, love the blue color! Nice snap for theme day!

  5. John Symons was a leading city merchant in his day.
    This is actualy a replica fountain erected in 1992

  6. I'm really enjoying your Digital Holga series Ben, great work!
    The capture of the light playing the fountain cast is fantastic!


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