Monday, July 06, 2009

It's Not Working!!!

We've been trying to clean up and reorganize my yarn stash room for over a month now. But this winter has been uncharacteristically cold - we've had mid-winter temperatures since, oh, mid-April? Today start out at 15C and steadily declined to 12C. Our house, with the new fire, has seldom gotten above 15C! For painting, it's been too overcast to see properly, too.

So after a weekend of hard work, we (I) still need to sand the bumpy bits of the wall, which was badly prepared by a "professional" a decade ago. It's never-ending, this home-ownership thing.


  1. yarn stash?! Did I hear you say YARN stash? My wife and I are both knitters! And our 9 yr old knit and my mother knits . . . . And you?! Regards from EAGAN daily photo

  2. She is a weaver, Leif.
    The link to her weaving blog is at the side bar. Please have a peek, if you interested.

  3. Big stash; I mean, serious stash. No, I take it back; just too much for this tiny stash room, but otherwise just "enthusiastic"...


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