Saturday, November 17, 2007

Da Vinci in Nelson

Here in little old Nelson, an exhibition of machines created recently based on Da Vinci's drawings opens today. Last night at 5PM, when I went to shoot this, a whole bunch of nicely dressed local dignataries were arriving for an by-invite-only opening. Nobody I know, unfortunately, and I doubt I could have snook in in my gym clothes.

So Nelson is experiencing a Renaissance, people!

The same museum has been posted here and here, oh, and this rant. I'm surprised at the semi-big-city look in this shot, but it's a two-story provincial museum.


  1. ohh we had a very similar exhibition in Hungary not long ago. Suddenly I dont remember if it was in Budapest or somewhere in the country:)

  2. You were probably looking at Zannnie, dear friend.


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