Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Day for Catching Up with Friends

This is Monib and Mina; we met them within a week of moving to Nelson in '94, then I worked for Monib for a year around '98 at the Polytech, then they moved to Wellington in '99. (Ha ha, that sounds like I was a catalyst to their move!) You may not believe it from their expressions, but they came to New Zealand nearly 20 years ago as refugees with nothing because of Baha'i faith, and Mina has horror stories of hiding in the back of the truck for hours and crossing the border in the dark, which she retells hilariously. They travel the world, but this was Monib's first trip to Nelson since '99, and we had lunch with Ben, Joanne (another co-worker) and Jean (from my gym!) at Turkish Delight, previously In Vino Fide, former Faces Cafe.

Jean came in to have a quick lunch, while I was waiting for the rest of my group. Jean sat at the next table and we were having a nice time catching up, when M&M waked in and happily shouted "Meeeeg!!! Jeeeeeeann!!" It turns out they know Jean as well, so she joined us for the rest of her lunch.

Things like this happen quite often in little old Nelson, everybody knowing everybody, and though this was a surprising match, we are no longer surprised.

I missed the 2.30 and 2.50 bus coming home, and I even missed the start of two French films, both at 3.05, so instead of waiting for the 3.50, I decided to wait for Ben, who wanted to go home early-ish. I went to a craft shop, where I ran into another friend, Ros, who has been back and forth between Nelson and Oxford since around '99 also; I knew she's been back for a year, but this was the first time I had a chance to talk to her. And then Megg Hewlett walked in the shop..... and it turned out to be a great day of catching up with friends.

AAAAHHHHHH, I miss not having these guys in Nelson. He a man of so much integrity, honesty and culture, she a bundle of joy, broad-mindedness, and a seriously good cook.


  1. Visiting with old friend is the very best. I'm so glad you had the chance, even if you missed the bus.
    Check out my blog post. I had the same kind of time with friends.

  2. not only in Nelson, maybe Singapore's very small too, we sometimes meet people on the streets etc too!

    or maybe people tend to like to go to the same places, so we will bump into pple :-)

    Homer use lots of d'oh! You didn't. hehe..

  3. Sounds like you had a great day, Sue!

    So true, K-man, so true.

  4. ohh this is a very nice photo. Makes even a dangerous person smile:)

  5. Glad to know you're still breathing, Zsolt. At least Zannnie didn't have to post a newspaper clipping of you.


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