Wednesday, June 22, 2011

New Gem

Three and a half weeks ago I saw this new garden shop in town.  I made a mental note to return and shoot it, but apparently I didn't go in to town for 22 days, so last night was the first chance I had.

It used to be a car rental place, according to Ben; it was locked so I stuck my camera between the fence grates, (is that what they're called?)  Then a woman called out, "Do you like my shop?"  It turns out she's been open for five weeks, so I must have found it when it was brand new.  It's fantastic to have a garden shop in town once again, and such a cute one!

I promised her I'll return another day when she's open; I promise you I'll get the name right next time, but it was something like "My Little Quarter/Half Acre".  Find her on Collingwood Street between Halifax and New Streets, adjacent to where NZ Nature Company used to be.


  1. Oh great to know this. I'll definitely check this shop out soon. :)

  2. It is very cute nestled between the other buildings. A lot of free space in front. Maybe it will expand into that area?

  3. This is "The Quarter Acre Store" which was on Waimea Road, next to a toy shop and secondhand dealer until about five weeks ago. Helen has the neatest gifts for gardners, great plants and an ever greater knowledge of gardening. Where else to shop for such a personal touch? LesleyExpatKiwi


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