Saturday, September 04, 2010

Going out from airport terminal

[EDIT] Thanks for your concern about the earthquake in Christchurch. We're sufficiently removed from that city that we in fact did not know about it until my parents rang from Japan this morning, and a weaver in Sweden contact me on Facebook! We're OK, and did not notice the shake. But Christchurch has suffered damage, and we're only finding out about it from the radio and the Internet.


  1. I know it is a bit south from you, but take care. I am thinking of you all.

  2. Thanks!
    I didn't know the earth quake in CHCH until family rang from Japan.

  3. Some Nelsonians I have spoken with felt a shake.
    Kia Kaha Cantabrians!

  4. Really? Did you? We just slept right through it.


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