Friday, June 04, 2010

Beads Gallery - The Shop

Where used to be the Betts Arts Supply shop was.


  1. If we couldn't keep Betts, I'm so glad at least we have another creative venue moving in here. Plus, Bead Gallery used to be a tad too far - or you might say it was a safe distance away so I don't go too often.

    Anyhoo, the very best of luck to Laurie and company in their new premise.

  2. Hi Meg, my wife is into beading now and has made some great necklaces and earrings. Hope things in Nelson are going well, hot and muggy here.


  3. My wife and daughters would go wild in a store like that! Please don't tell them about that store!

  4. Hey, boys, this may not look too big, but it is a heavenly shop - arguably the best stocked in New Zealand. Serious. Look here:


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