Tuesday, October 20, 2009


From 8:20 to 10:10 last night, a large part of the region lost power, and the airport runway and Nelson Pines were all we could see. The last of the airplanes arrive around 8:30, so by the time I switched off the flash and aimed again, the runway lights were turned off for the evening.

It was very quiet until for some reason people started driving around. "For what reason?", Daniel asked Anna-Marie in another part of town. We thought of playing a board game, but instead ended up rummaging through my sewing box by candle light for Ben's next car project.


  1. Whoa, this pic looks much better before loading to Blogger. Picasa playing tricks?

  2. I heard people letting off fireworks which I thought was a really good idea seeing it was so dark and still.

    Allanah K

  3. Hi, Allanah, did you take part in the Masked Parade last Friday??


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